Raising the Price of your Lash Extention Services

Why should you Raise your Lash Service Prices?

A lot of lash artists are scared to increase prices in the fear that they will lose clients however the fact of the matter is, that when you raise your prices, you’ll obtain clients whom not only treat your business and services as a luxury, but will take care of their lashes better.

There are many reasons as to why you should raise your prices and if you are continually upgrading your skills by taking on additional education to provide your clients with the best service and application, then your loyal clients will not have an issue as they know they are getting the best of the best.

Lashing is also extremely hard on our bodies and perfecting skills takes a long time, these need to be accounted for in your pricing. When lash prices are really cheap, you’ll attract bargain hunters, those that won’t see application as a luxury service and generally, clients attracted to low prices won’t respect the work it takes to apply lashes at the level you’ll be providing. Having low prices to attract more clients is not the right business mentality to have. You have to work smarter not harder.

Instead of charging $80 to get 2 clients, charge $160 for one client. Its about the quality of clients you obtain, not the quantity. The more clients you are dealing with, especially when you work for yourself with no staff, the harder it is. Make your life easier to run your business more effectively.

If you are afraid to raise your prices, look at other lash businesses around and see that they are charging. If they have clients who are paying premium, then why can’t you? Obviously when you first start lashing, providing a competitive price is an advantage to obtain clients to grow your business When is the right time to start increasing your prices? If you are having to start turning away clients as the demand is greater than the supply, this is a great time to increase. You may lose a client or two but will keep those that are willing to pay and remain loyal because your are THAT good!

If you have plans to expand your business and start hiring staff, you need to be able to pay their wages and increased overheads to scale your business. Raising your prices before hand will allow you to save capital and be able to pay your staff competitive rates, in addition to creating a really nice lash space, marketing and purchasing extra stock. If you are working long hours and almost everyday due to the demand, this is also a great time to increase prices if you want to cut down your work hours without losing to much of your income. When you product prices and overheads increase.

If you are working from home and then move to a salon space or rent a room within a salon, you will have more overheads so your prices need to take these into consideration or you will be running your business at a loss. If you find premium products that cost a bit more than the ones your are currently using, then its time to increase your prices to accommodate. If you are constantly taking on new educational courses with lash experts to upgrade your skills and learn new techniques and train staff within the same courses, your lash prices should include these considerations as you are becoming a specialist in lashes and improving your skills compared to others which is your point of difference.

Before you increase your prices, you need to look over your business to ensure you can also make service improvements so clients feel as though they will be getting more from their appointments if they are paying more, regardless of your reasoning for the price increase. These could be little things, but all things that elevate your business and the service provided to your clients. Do you and your staff wear uniforms? Can your beauty space be improved to emulate a luxurious or high end business? Will you include aftercare products with your full set services? Does your business reflect professionalism in your methods of communication and payment methods? These are just some suggestions which will seem like a bonus to your clients if you can make small improvements to your existing business.

How to start implementing your new prices?

There are a few ways in which you can begin to implement new prices, the most stressful one for lash businesses to consider is to include a blanket price increase for everyone. You might be anticipating some clients to drop off or get annoyed with you and not come back, if this is a case, another option would be to contact your most regular and loyal clients giving them the heads up that prices will be increasing however, due to their loyalty, and if they continue to book in consistently, you can keep prices as they are for them. If I was a client, I’d be super excited to hear this and would definitely see a benefit to continue booking in appointments. Once this is done, you can post on socials or send a courtesy email out announcing the price increase with the security of knowing, you’ll have regular clients that you won’t lose and threaten your income.

Another option would be to increase the price of full sets only. Current and existing clients won’t feel affected and will be more inclined to ensure they book in their refills in time to avoid the price hike and new clients will be paying the higher price from the beginning of their lash journey with you so they won’t know any different. You can also introduce a new service which allows for an additional option for your clients and you can set it at the increased price you wish. Clients won’t think that you are raising prices but providing extra value. If you are currently only offering a set of volume lashes, incorporate mega, or specify how many lashes in a fan for a particular lash set. (ie - 4d set, or 8d set) Differentiate what your service offers in comparison to your other services.

Here are some scripts you can use or follow to let clients know about your lash price increases that may help you avoid any trouble and let them know kindly as to why you are raising your prices:

Hi, at (Business name), we want to thank you for your ongoing support and our businesses growth, due to educational courses invested in this year, and to bring you higher quality products, new techniques, and to bring our customers new premium services and high demand, we will be increasing our prices to XX on (date). If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us here (contact info)

Hi, as you know, at (Business name), we are committed to bringing you the highest quality services and ethically sourced products. To stay committed to this promise, we’ll be increasing our prices to XX on (date).

Hi There, As our business is growing, we are raising our prices from XX to XX on (date). This will help me continue to provide a premium service and products whilst adding a variety of bonuses for your services such as (add benefits and bonuses).

Ensure that you highlight the benefits of a price raise for you and your clients as opposed to making clients feel obliged to pay the increase due to your rising costs. Do so by ensuring you are providing additional benefits to the customer experience.

I hope this blog has helped you navigated a price increase within your lash business if you are contemplating it. Do not sell yourself short!

Be sure to follow us on Instagram at Lash'd Eyelashes

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